An Olympics party is always a great choice of party theme for active kids. Here are the 10 best ideas for relay races.
An Olympics Party is an easy and fun theme to use and any Olympics Party must have some relay races. Races are always popular with children and it is a great way to burn off some energy. Relays as a team are usually more fun than individual races as they take the pressure off individual performance. Teams also take up less space. We often use the hallway for relays, particularly when we can’t go outside.
Below are 10 ideas for relays that my kids have loved.
You’ll need a start line and a finish line. Plastic cones are good for marking the start and finish line. If you don’t have a large space, it can be a ‘there and back’ race where they run around a cone and back to the start line.
You can award winners for each race or tally up the results from a collection of races to declare an overall winner.
- Balloon hopping relays
Children hop with a blown-up balloon between their legs from one point to another and then pass it on to their teammate until everyone has had a turn.
2. Dress up races
Children put on a selection of dress up clothes (over their own clothing) and race from start to finish. When they get to the finish, they have to take off the dress up clothes and the next team member has to put them on. Accessories such as a hat, sunglasses, a bag and shoes make it more fun.
3. Baby Crawl race
Children have to crawl like a baby from start to finish. Give them a dummy to hold in their mouth for extra silliness. 4.
4. Egg and Spoon race
Children balance an egg (either cooked or uncooked depending on how much mess you want) on a spoon while they run from start to finish.
5. Balancing plates
Children balance a plate on the end of a pool noodle and run from start to finish. Use plastic plates but make sure they’re not too light and will fly away in a breeze.
6. Sweep it up
Children use a broom to move a small ball from start to finish. A fun variation of this is using a pool noodle instead of a broom and an inflatable beach ball.
7. Ball racing with a straw
Using a straw, children blow a ball (a ping pong ball is good) from the start line to finish line.
8. Obstacle course
Children race through an obstacle course, climbing under, over and around things before tagging the next person in their team to repeat the course.
To create the obstacles, use what items you have available to you. I like to use hula hoops to climb through, tables or chairs to crawl under, trees to run around, pool noodles to throw like javelins, planks of wood as balancing beams, cones to dribble a ball around.
There are endless variations to obstacle courses and they are popular anytime. My kids love creating them for when their cousins come to visit.
9. Three-legged race
An all-time favourite race that can be done as a relay. In pairs, children run to the finish with one of each of their legs tied together so that they have 3 legs. Use a scarf or piece of fabric to tie their legs together. Be careful to use a knot that doesn’t tighten as they run and can be undone easily when finished.
10. Fill the bucket
The objective is for the team to fill the bucket at the finish line by carrying 1 cup at a time from start to finish. It is usually played with water. The child fills a cup of water from a bucket at the start line, runs with the cup to the finish and pours the water into the empty bucket. They have to decide whether they want to run fast and risk spilling water or slow without spilling. Team members take turns until the bucket is full.
An inside alternative is playing it with popcorn but be ready for some mess!
I hope you enjoy these games. Feel free to leave comments and suggestions below.