Parties for 10 years old are lots of fun. The children are old enough to play more complex games but still young enough to delight in simple games. They have a great sense of fun at this age so you can get silly!

Here are some of the favourite games I’ve played at a 10 year old birthday party:

Cookie Face

Standing in a circle, each player is given a cookie that they place on their forehead. On the word Go, players wriggle their faces until they get the cookie to their mouth. If the cookie falls off their face, they have to start again. You can have a time limit on the game or keep going until everyone has finished.

All you need is cookies. Allow at least 2 cookies per player in case of breakages. Oreos are a good size to use.


Flour Cake

Firmly pack the flour into a bowl. Put the plate on top of the bowl and turn over to make a mound of flour on the plate. Balance a piece of chocolate or sweet on top of the mound of flour 

Each child takes a turn with the knife to slice away chunks of flour, trying not to knock the chocolate off the top of the mound. 

The child who knocks the chocolate has to retrieve the chocolate from the flour with their mouth. No hands allowed. 

You need:

A dinner plate and a knife
A small bowl or measuring cup Flour
A piece of chocolate or a sweet. 


Toilet Paper Mummies

The goal is to make a ‘mummy’ by wrapping your partner up from head to toe in toilet paper 

The children work in pairs – one person is the ‘mummy’ and one does the wrapping. Each team is given one roll of toilet paper to wrap around the person, leaving their eyes, nose and mouth clear. The winner is the ‘mummy’ that is most wrapped up.

All you need is Toilet Paper – 1 roll for every 2 children playing, plus a few spares. Rubbish bags are handy for the clean-up process when they’re done.


Chocolate Game

Children sit in a circle on the floor
Set up the dress ups and chocolate at a table beside the circle. Players take turns at throwing the dice. When someone throws a 6, they have to put on all the dress-up clothes before they can eat the chocolate one piece at a time using the knife and fork (no fingers allowed).

While the player is trying to eat the chocolate, the other players continue to throw the dice until someone else throws a six and then the first player must stop and it is the new player’s turn to put on the dress ups and eat the chocolate. 

You need:

A large bar of chocolate
Plate, knife and fork
A selection of dress up clothes (eg. Hat, scarf, skirt, jacket and sunglasses)
A dice (use an extra-large one that is easy for everyone to see) 


Passing the Orange

Children stand in a circle. An orange is held under the chin (between chin and chest) of the first player without their hands touching it. Without using their hands, they must pass the orange to the next player who also holds the orange under their chin. The orange continues to be passed around the whole circle until everyone has had a turn.

All you need is an orange.


Ping Pong Ball Racing

Players race their ping pong ball against each other from a start line to a finish line by only blowing the ping pong ball using a straw. They are not allowed to use any other props.

All you need are straws and ping pong balls.


Dress up Mannequins

Children have to dress their human ‘mannequin’ (siblings are good for this) by racing back and forth with one item of clothing on each trip. This is fun as two teams competing against each other.

I hope you have a great party!

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